Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Family Is So Amazing

So, it has been a while - years, since I posted. I got a little puffed up about writing. I joined a writers group. Wonderful people, and seriously good writing. They were serious. I discovered I was not. As soon as I had to write to accomplish so much on a page by such and such a date, I lost interest. Life continued to happen and I thought I had spoiled my interest in writing.

Not so. I just needed to let God steer me into writing for His glory, for my pleasure, and your laughter.

I am thoroughly wrapped up in my family: one husband, two children with spouses, and two grandchildren. Both Dave and I went through a period of time where our birth families seemed not too interested in being close so we went our own way. While there were times we felt like orphans, there were also times when life went on like a slow stream with no rapids and all was OK.

Recently, we have made reconnection with Dave's sister and I have tried to be better about staying in touch with my sister. Then, one day, a phone message: Aunt Judy, Uncle Dave . . . and voila! reconnection with my sister's husband and children in New York.

Fast exchanges of Facebook (hereafter to be known only as FB) and we are learning who we are in a connection broken after the death of my sister. The old days may have been slower, but think of the treasures of round-robin letters where A wrote to B, B added his/her news and posted to C, C then added more and so it went until eventually it returned to A who started all over again. Even in my day and my day is 72-1/2 years and counting, letters were important. Words were important. Stringing words together to be fully understood in word, shading, and meaning in written and spoken form. We had the telephone and telegraph (old-days form of texting). Our telephone was tethered to the wall and we were tethered to a radius of maybe 100 miles since travel took time and money.

Now we send countless messages in FB something with a birdie icon, and phone. It is like an automatic weapon the way messages fly back and forth in short bursts of letters strung together as understandable as petroglyphs, cave paintings, and hieroglyphics. If you are not "in" you cannot decipher the message nor can you send an intelligible answer.

I've used many words here to prepare family: I'm baaaaaaaack! I will bombard you with real words, real thoughts, and if you can't answer in real words and real thoughts, I will not understand you! To those of you who will bother to read my words, know that I love you, I cherish all my memories of you, and I look forward to knowing you. I never stopped loving you -- I just somehow distanced myself without knowing you might miss me.

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